Friday, December 28, 2018

What is autophagy? Why is fasting related?

One of the side benefits of fasting is that it's possible to initiate autophagy with a long enough fast.  But what does that mean?  After researching for a while, the simple way I view the idea is that the body has a natural means of dealing with damaged cells that goes into action when fasting.  How long a fast depends on a variety of factors, but for many people 24-48 hours is sufficient.  In some situations, 12 hours may be enough.

The benefits of autophagy include decreased risk of some cancers as well as improved brain function.  There is ongoing research in animals and humans related to Alzheimer's.

Below are descriptions of autophagy by a sample of people who believe in the value of fasting and/or a ketogenic diet.  The viewpoints and styles vary.  As with any medical topic, getting more than one opinion is valuable as you decide what may work best for your unique situation.

Autophagy & Intermittent Fasting: Activate Garbage Recycling and Cell Remodeling, 4 min, 2017
Dr. Eric Berg, chiropractor with an interest in nutrition

Autophagy and Fasting: The Mystery Explained, 13 min, 2018
Dr. Annette Bozworth, internal medicine, promotes a keto diet

Top Fasting Benefits: Autophagy Explained - Thomas DeLauer, 8 min, 2018
Thomas DeLauer, fitness and health guru

Intermittent Fasting and the Aging Woman | Autophagy, Cancer, Anti Aging and Fasting, 21 min, 2017
Dy Ann Parham, 50-something woman interested in helping older women be fit

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