Sunday, August 30, 2015

All things Stretch

Stretching needs consistency to really made a difference.  Once or twice a week is not really enough.  Daily is best, but 4-5 times a week can make a noticeable difference in the long run.  Have heard that 12-14 weeks is the most realistic timeframe when the goal is to make changes during the off season that can be maintained during ski season.  Last summer, my calves were tight most of the time.  Couldn't really figure out why.  But stretching more often in the spring and early summer seemed to solve the problem this year.

Came across a good online guide about stretching by a Canadian physical therapist and acupuncturist.  What's unusual is that she includes references to clinical studies along with easy to understand explanations about a variety of stretches.  Unfortunately there isn't a section specific to skiing even though she skis and snowboards.

I used to be most interested in hamstrings for good knee support, and calf muscles.  The next area I plan to work on are hips.  As my ski technique has improved, the importance of ankle and hip flexibility has become more understandable.

A great reference that I found a few years ago is The Anatomy of Stretching, 2nd edition, 2011, by Brad Walker.  The illustrations show specific muscles in the context of the rest of the body.  Each stretch is explained clearly and simply, and there is a list of sports and injuries for which the stretch is useful.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Examples of advanced TRX exercises

Since the TRX has been around for a while, there are a lot of sources around on the Web.  Found a website with a list of 10 exercises that are considered advanced.  There are diagrams and/or videos included.

Except for the frog kick and hanging dip, my personal trainer incorporated all of the others into a TRX workout at some point.  We took it easy for my first year using the TRX because I was rehabbing a knee (not a skiing injury).  I do the suspended lunge more often since it's very good for ski conditioning.  I like doing that exercise with someone around to help get into position safely.

Lower Body and Core

TRX frog kick
TRX suspended lunge
TRX pendulum
TRX knee tuck (suspended crunch)
TRX saw pike

Upper Body and Core

TRX hanging dip
TRX reaching row
TRX chest fly
TRX Y deltoid fly
TRX tricep extension